Project title:
Purchase of the innovative Necto Terminal Mobile system by Morado Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. from Necto S.A.
Purpose and planned effect of the project:
The company MORADO Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. will purchase a license for the Necto Merminal Mobile software in the scope of modules that enable full support of the most important activities carried out on an intermodal container terminal with the additional possibility of printing necessary documents on site using a mobile printer connected to the application via Bluetooth.
The company expects that the project will:
a) accelerate the delivery of services
b) have a positive impact on the company’s competitiveness
c) streamline and automate company processes
Measurable effects of the project implementation:
– Number of innovations implemented in the enterprise as a result of the project
– Increase in sales revenues on the enterprise scale
Project value:
The total value of the project is PLN 424 350.00 (which is four hundred twenty four thousand three hundred fifty Polish zlotys)
Contribution of European Funds:
Co-financing of the project constituting de minimis aid – PLN 241 500.00 (which is two hundred and forty-one thousand five hundred Polish zlotys)
Time limit for completion:
01/04/2022 – 31/12/2022